I got into Tel Aviv at 3.30am local time. When I got to the passport control I was asked to go to the waiting room for a 'few minutes' whilst they ran security checks. Obviously because I have brown skin and a Muslim name. At 4 am I was questioned for the first time, basic questions such as name, email address, parents names, grandparents names, purpose of the visit, who and what is CADFA, how I got onto the volunteering program. The man questioning me was very rude and arrogant and was getting annoyed when I could not understand what he said. Why have someone who speaks rubbish English interrogate someone from England?
11am and I was still in the waiting area. I had a terrible back and neck pain. Throughout my wait I was brought a sandwich and bottle of water twice, which I must admit I found surprising.
1pm came and I was questioned again. Same questions, this time she took my mothers and fathers mobile numbers. My old mobile number. The woman made me log into Facebook on her computer and show her the CADFA page, she even went through my phone. After that I was sent to wait a further half hour and then let go. I had to go and find my suitcase which was sat in the middle of nowhere and then let out of the airport. The airport must be well ventilated because when I stepped outside, the heat pretty much assaulted me.
I then caught a bus to Damascus gate and met with another volunteer and we got a bus up to Abu Dis. On the bus journey up there was a check point and the army woman got on the bus and demanded to see the passes of the people on board. About 10 Palestinian men were taken off the bus and were being patted down and checked but the bus had to carry on the journey. The women were very rude and it was harassment more than anything.
Not amongst the best of journeys I've had.
This blog is written by CADFA volunteers based in Abu Dis. For more about CADFA see CADFA.org or our Facebook page @camdenabudis The posts are by the volunteers and do not necessarily represent the views of CADFA
Monday, 30 June 2014
Last Saturday, we attended the graduation ceremony for students at Al Quds university. Around 150 students graduated during the event which marked the end of the academic year.
We were treated to many speeches by the faculty and students. Unfortunately, my Arabic is still non existent so the words were lost on me.
There was traditional Palestinian Dabke dance as well as hundred of balloons in the colours of the Palestinian flag released. The event was one of celebration and achievement. Families proudly cheering their sons, daughters and siblings graduating.
Unfortunately, the even was marred that night as the Israeli army entered the university during a raid, apparently looking for information on the kidnapped Israeli teenagers.
We were treated to many speeches by the faculty and students. Unfortunately, my Arabic is still non existent so the words were lost on me.
There was traditional Palestinian Dabke dance as well as hundred of balloons in the colours of the Palestinian flag released. The event was one of celebration and achievement. Families proudly cheering their sons, daughters and siblings graduating.
Unfortunately, the even was marred that night as the Israeli army entered the university during a raid, apparently looking for information on the kidnapped Israeli teenagers.
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Traditional Dabke dance during the graduation ceremony |
The Bigger Prison
During the first intifada, in order to more easily
distinguish which Palestinians had already been arrested, the Israeli military
administration devised a colour coded ID card system. All West Bank and Gaza
residents had been issued with orange IDs, but upon release, prisoners had to
report to the Israeli civil administration centre and be issued with new green
versions. In the tumultuous days of the intifada, as the Israelis cracked down
brutally in an attempt to quash the nascent uprising, the flash of green (no
further inspection necessary) at a checkpoint was liable to result in harsh
interrogation and even re-arrest. As a result many prisoners, of the over 120
000 arrested during the intifada years, chose to confine themselves to their
homes rather than risk the humiliation and degradation of further months or
years (often without charge or trial) behind bars in Israel. Reasoning that a
prison-like existence in their home towns was preferable to the brutality of
the Israeli Prison Service, thousands of Palestinians lived under a further,
more-concentrated version of the Occupation.
Today the situation has been magnified and institutionalised to encompass nearly all of Palestinian society, points out Abed, a director of Dar As-Sadaqa in Abu Dis, and himself a former prisoner and intifada veteran. “Even the symbols are the same – except now all West Bank Palestinians have the green ID, and the prison wall surrounds us on all sides.” The apartheid wall to which he refers, 400 miles long and twice as tall as Berlin’s iconic barrier, has been constructed of the same material and in the same style as the walls that surrounded the Naqab Prison, a desert facility that Abed and other teenage Palestinians were sent to as other prisons began to fill up in 1988. “After Oslo the colonisation became much more thorough. At least during the intifada we were in it together – when an army truck approached Abu Dis you didn’t know who it was coming to arrest, and this created camaraderie. ‘Al Mousawa fi Thulm Adalah’ – Equality in injustice is just.”
Now, however, Palestinians are all inmates in the bigger
prison, save for those who are afforded the VIP passes and privileges from
heading up the Palestinian Authority, who may drive through the checkpoints
with a wave of a (non-green) pass and a smile at the IDF guard. Otherwise,
settlement construction continues unabated, administrative detention remains a
favourite of the Israeli authorities unwilling to afford their Palestinian
targets a charge or a trial, and the gargantuan wall cuts ever further into
Palestinian land. In areas the prison is intensified, as in besieged Gaza or
more recently Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank where all entrances are
sealed and the IDF roams the streets looking for residents to imprison. In the
overflowing prisons a hunger strike has passed its fiftieth day, while the land
of Palestine, the bigger prison, recently marked the sixty sixth anniversary of
its subjugation by Israeli jailors.
Hunger Strike
On the 25th of June, between
60 and 80 prisoners currently help under Israel’s controversial ‘Administrative
Detention’ law have ended their hunger strike. The prisoners had started their
strike on April 24th this year as a protest against being detained
indefinitely without charge. Various sources have been speculating as to why
the strike has ended now with no official reason being verified.
Israel has
been debating as to whether to bring forward a contentious law of force feeding
prisoners on hunger strike, a move condemned as ‘unethical’ by the Israeli
Medical Association. Jerusalem Post has stated that the Israel Prisoner Service
has made little to no concessions and that the ending of the strike could possibly
be due to the fact that the hunger strikes are futile in their attempt to
change conditions as Israel steps up its operations in the West Bank as a response
to the kidnappings of three Israeli settlers.
Whatever the
reasons behind the strike ending, there is little evidence to suggest that the 190
prisoners under administrative detention will face charges, be brought to trial
or be released anytime soon.
This number
will seemingly grow as Israel continues its actions in the West Bank as the
search for the missing Israelis continues. Some 371 people have already been
arrested over the past 2 weeks with operations continuing daily.
As recounted
by another volunteer in a previous post, the Israeli army came to Abu Dis in
the early hours of Tuesday morning. Six arrests were carried out, four of which
were of children under 18. We witnessed soldiers storming houses and have since
seen pictures of homes turned upside down looking for ‘persons of interest’ and
evidence against them. As my first experience seeing the Israeli army carrying
out operations so close to us, it was fairly shocking.
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Israeli army in Abu Dis |
For Palestinians living
here in Abu Dis, it’s seemed to have become an almost farcical routine. One Abu
Dis resident who we were with the next evening left our company early to go
home as he had forgotten his ID card and didn’t want to be caught by the army
without it. It is situations like that that can sometimes be hard to process as a
westerner, something so trivial as say forgetting your wallet leads you to go
home because you are worried about being arrested by the army.
As of now, operation
‘Brothers Keeper’ being carried out by the Israeli Army is still in full swing.
The increased army presence, with all that it entails, continues in Abu Dis and
the rest of the West Bank.
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
(S3) Palestine part 2 - The Freedom Theatre
I am torn - between a
place I have grown to love and my place of birth and upbringing. The last time
I wrote to you all, my story didn't end happily and I wrote in that email that
I would assure you that it would get better, so be assured, it got much better
- I was just too lazy to write about it. I've found writing helps me to express
my sadness or anger but happiness is harder to express via writing for me. Just
a natural emo I guess.
I am writing this in the
back of a car, returning to Ramallah from Jenin, but more specifically The
Freedom Theatre. This organisation has been the one place I definitely wanted
to see before I left this beautiful land. Why? In 2011, I went to Berlin for a
cultural exchange, the topic was titled Gender and Sexuality but that's not why
I went. In all honesty, I went because I had never been to Berlin before and
thought it would be fun. It was. The exchange involved participants from Great
Britain, Germany, Lebanon and Palestine. This is when I met Mustafa, a name
that I will probably never forget. Mustafa and I didn't have much time to speak
one on one, but when you were in his presence, you enjoyed yourself, he was the
life and soul of every gathering, until Juliano Mer Khamis was murdered. Juliano
was a film director and one of the co-founders of The Freedom Theatre. Upon
hearing of his death, Mustafa broke down. This man, this bold confident man,
broke down. He didn't care who saw, he didn't care who heard. This man was
breaking down. He left Berlin after one week of arriving and travelled back to
Palestine. For some reason, he left a lasting impression on me.
After Berlin, I knew I
wanted to come to Palestine but why, I don't know. When I first arrived, people
kept asking me, from the Israeli officers to locals "but why
Palestine?" And I couldn't answer it, not honestly. I came to learn and I
told them that, however I could have gone to a different country to learn about
their way of life. But why Palestine? I came to Palestine to see what her land
looks like, to smell her land, to listen and engage with her people and to see
what this conflict ridden land is like to live in on a daily basis. What have I
American films always
show a pretty little hippy looking blonde girl talking about her desire to
travel to India to "find herself" and I always wanted to gouge my
eyes out at that point. Give it a rest. But get gouging guys, because it's
crazily weird how being in a foreign country without family and friends can
teach you about yourself. I learnt that I am attached to Slough, to my route to
work, to the Horlicks Bridge, to Gino’s cafe lunches with Charlotte, to my
parents and siblings and to my job, my passion, more than I ever thought I
would be attached. I realised that every Tuesday at around 7.30, I would think
of Aik Saath. I would think of how all the young people would be sharing their
news in the safe space of Newsround.
I realised that confidence
can decrease and increase and decrease and increase and that just keeps on
going. I realised that some people will always be able to see past your fake
smile and some people will never be able to see past the words you actually
speak. They don't care to know about the distant look in your eyes. And then
there are the ones that see your expressions and can't hear your words. They
are the ones that get under your skin because no matter what you say, no matter
how convincing you think your words are, they can see through you. At first,
and many other times, that person (or people) will irritate you like crazy but
eventually you realise this is all part of the journey. Being in Palestine
doesn't mean all I have to do is speak to Palestinians or speak about the
conflict. Being in Palestine means trying to live outside of my comfort zone,
comfortably. To flourish, not survive.
The Freedom Theatre
reminded me of my love for Aik Saath. A Palestinian man named Adnan gave us a
tour of the place, he told us about the history of the organisation and then
asked if we have any questions. My friend did - before arriving to the infamous
camp in Jenin, Khaled (a Palestinian man, local to Ramallah) and Lee (a Korean
guy working in Jenin) were laughing about how when you enter the camp, people
always ask you if you are visiting The Freedom Theatre, but they asked in such
a way that you could see they do not want the answer to be yes. I assumed it
was just because it might be a typical tourist thing to do but no. Khaled asked
Adnan why such questions were asked and why people made negative comments -
this is one of the parts that really made me think of Aik Saath. He said people
are scared of change. The Freedom Theatre is resistance through art, Israel has
not just occupied the Palestinian land, but also her economic and social
aspects. The Freedom Theatre works to educate the young people of Jenin and
primarily the camp. Jenin like many parts of Palestine is a conservative place.
In my short two day stay, I saw a total of three women. I then met some girls
at the theatre itself, totalling my tally up to seven females. The Freedom
Theatre has acting classes for both male and females, it is open to all religions
(the founder was a pro – Palestine Jewish woman, Juliano’s mother), The Freedom
Theatre, like Aik Saath is a safe place for young people to come, share their
experiences and be educated upon issues that will help them become stronger,
happier young people.
But what connected me most to that man Adnan was his
passion. He lives right next to the theatre, his children have been part of the
theatre but most importantly, he knows of the constant rumours spread about his
work and his passion, yet he continues. "Ahlan wa sahlan" (welcome)
he says, to everyone and anyone - "let my work show you why The Freedom
Theatre is an organisation to support" and it does. It speaks
We were invited to watch
the first full performance of their latest production, "Enemy". Their
actual performance is tomorrow but I couldn't stay and luckily, I didn't
have to. The young people were amazing. I couldn't understand a word (actually,
I understood a few words) but our language barrier didn't matter. The
young people spoke with their bodies, their passion displayed through their
hands, and their powerful facial expressions. These young people reminded me of
my young people at Aik Saath. My young people with passion, energy and loyalty
to the Saath. My young people make me proud. They make my heart feel warm and
fuzzy (where's the emo in me gone?)
Now I am near Abu Dis
but it's taken us a little longer than we had expected due to a combination of
Lee getting lost and Israeli soldiers stopping cars at the checkpoints. We got
stopped at one - he asked who we are. Khaled explained that he is Palestinian
(note that he didn't specify where exactly but made a statement by saying he is
Palestinian), he pointed at Lee and said he is Korean and then pointed at me
saying she is English, the soldier replied in Hebrew "What? Is every
country in this car?" I only learnt about this joke later, if he smiled
and laughed, I might have realised that he was actually quite funny. But the
soldiers don't laugh or smile. They stand there with their big guns and stern
faces pointing, checking.
My time in Palestine is
nearly coming to an end. I only have twenty - four days left, only. It is now
that I realise time is precious - what you choose to do and who you choose to
spend it with will impact the who that you are.
I am glad that I chose
to come to Palestine, that I chose to struggle through the tough first month,
that I chose to admit I am finding this hard, but more importantly that I chose
to experience this land through her people.
Long live Palestine.
Monday, 23 June 2014
3am and we've just witnessed the Israeli army invading Abu Dis. Protests
were dispersed about an hour ago and most people are inside or watching
from the rooftops as soldiers roam the streets. Have heard gunfire and
tear gas, and they're doubtless arresting many. We saw one soldier climb
through the window of a 3rd floor flat, others looked to be entering
houses in the town centre. An army jeep,
with the engine running, has been stopped outside the building opposite
us for half an hour, presumably to kidnap our neighbours.
The local wild dogs, who are usually pretty vocal at this time of night, faced off a few patrols in our area and forced a brief retreat. After last night's invasion and ransacking of Al-Quds University campus, where I'm working, tonight's was expected to be an attempt to arrest as many as possible, as has been happening all over the West Bank. We'll know more tomorrow morning. — in Abu Dis, Palestine.
The local wild dogs, who are usually pretty vocal at this time of night, faced off a few patrols in our area and forced a brief retreat. After last night's invasion and ransacking of Al-Quds University campus, where I'm working, tonight's was expected to be an attempt to arrest as many as possible, as has been happening all over the West Bank. We'll know more tomorrow morning. — in Abu Dis, Palestine.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Arriving, getting started and the World Cup
arrived in Tel Aviv on the 10th of June and spending a few days
trying my best not to get sunburnt (unsuccessfully), I went to Jerusalem to
meet up with Jack, another volunteer, and head to Abu Dis.
I was shown
round the apartment I’ll be staying in and a bit of the town before the
inevitable question came up, where shall we watch today’s World Cup games?
World Cup fever has definitely hit Abu Dis it seems and with every new person
that I am introduced to, I get a kindly reminder from them of how England lost
their opening game. Thanks!
evening’s big game was Germany vs. Portugal and a local coffee shop was the
venue at which to watch the match. Here I met Hossam a local volunteer who
works at Dar Assadaqa and his friend Sharif. Portugal received a thrashing and
provided some mirth for the locals as I seemed to be the only one supporting
For the
second match of the evening, we went to the local Nadi (youth club) and watched
the game on a big screen. At half time, there was a raffle with some prizes
given out following which most of the kids there left as that seemed far more
important than the second half of Iran Nigeria!
On Tuesday
morning, I went to Dar Assadaqa where I met with Abed, the co-ordinator for
CADFA and the EVS project in Abu Dis and Moussa, another local volunteer. In
the scorching heat, Moussa showed me round a bit more of the town, the music
centre and the prisoner museum at the local Al Quds University. The museum was
a stark reminder that so many Palestinians have suffered and continue to suffer
in jail without proper trials or other rights that should be afforded to them.
In the
afternoon, I spent some time with some local kids at Dar Assadaqa. I was
treated to some plays the kids had just learnt before teaching them the game of
‘Ninja’ where a boy by the name of Basil was just too fast for me!
I also held
a conversational English class with some kids aged between 12-16. Having not
prepared any proper subjects to talk about, I just asked them about what they
liked doing, favourite foods, aspirations etc. It seems Doctors, Lawyers and
Engineers are the main careers of choice with sleep as the favourite leisure
At one
point, I asked them what do they know about life in England i.e. food, customs,
leisure. The first thing that answered was that people in England don’t live
under occupation, another reminder of the situation these kids are living in
every day.
The evening
was taken up by, of course, more World Cup football. This time, we watch the
match at a coffee shop right next to the separation wall. We also heard the
parade of cars beeping their horns and waving flags letting us know that two
local boys Adam and Johar, who had been shot and arrested by the IDF, had been
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Watching the football with the separation wall backdrop. |
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Volunteering in Abu Dis
It is currently Thursday evening and I shall be flying to Tel Aviv next week before heading to Abu Dis and starting the project the week after.
After a few months of getting everything together, I've quit my job and moved out my house and now ready to go.
I am looking forward the EVS volunteer programme in Palestine. I want to help make a difference in the lives of the people I will work with and am looking forward to experiencing life in Palestine. After the student visit in England and learning more about Palestine and about CADFA I am very excited to see what the project will be like
Volunteer day in CADFA London
It's going to be great to see some of our old EVS volunteers as well as to meet some new ones at our London event next Saturday.....

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